Real estate professionals love statistics! Most of the statistics you see in the news talk about average home sale prices and the number of home sales taking place. While these are insightful metrics, there are three more statistics that are very useful to Chicago...
You may not realize it, but insurance companies have a shared database that they use to determine what kind of risks that you, and your property, present to their business. This database is called the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange, also known as...
Home buyers prefer energy-efficient homes with modern amenities and low-maintenance features, according to the latest survey by the National Association of Home Builders. The survey included responses from about 4,000 home buyers nationwide. We’re sharing highlights...
StartingPoint Realty, Inc. stands among an elite group of top-performing real estate sales teams, according to 2017 transaction statistics compiled by REAL Trends and as advertised in the Wall Street Journal. The teams in REAL Trend’s list of “America’s Best Real...